Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces: Futami Ryu Report (English Edition) Kindle版(2021.1.22)

Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces: Futami Ryu Report (English Edition) Kindle版(2021.1.22)



Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces: Futami Ryu Report (English Edition) Kindle版(2021.1.22)


I met Araya Takashi during our time at the Ground Staff Office (GSO), when we were looking at the future concept of the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF). After that, Mr. Araya overcame many difficulties to form the Special Forces Unit, becoming its first leader, and at the same time I became regimental commander of the 40th regulars. However, after finishing his duty as Special Forces Unit Leader, Mr. Araya suddenly left the GSDF. Losing him as a comrade was a great shock for me. On the other hand, I felt that he must have some other role that he had to fulfil, having completed his mission for the GSDF.



Village of Musubi in Kumano City


I had always wanted to speak with Mr. Araya about this. That opportunity came out of the blue in the fall of 2019, after 15 years had passed.
He had been putting into practice a way of living as a Japanese person who safeguards history and tradition. With love for Japan, his starting point was to live as a Japanese person in his day to day life, meaning that he lived to protect his country. To do so, he was living as a member of a community that grounded itself in its locale, following Japanese traditional culture, carrying out manufacture with craftsmanship, as well as holding courses for those with the same aspirations to learn about Japanese martial arts and culture.
This report comes from a conversation held by us, two former SDF officers, at the Village of Musubi in Kumano City, about “special operations”, “the spirit to battle through to the end of a fight” and “Japanese martial arts”. I hope you will enjoy this Futami Ryu Report: “Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces.” 




Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces: Futami Ryu Report (English Edition) Kindle版
Modern Day Samurai, Araya Takashi, on Special Forces: Futami Ryu Report (English Edition) Kindle版









 その出会いは、いつの間にか15年の歳月が過ぎた2019年の秋に突然訪れました。現在、荒谷氏がお住いの三重県熊野市の『熊野飛鳥 むすびの里』を訪問しました。彼は、歴史と伝統を守る日本人として生きていく道を実践していました。




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